Swiss Music Awards TV Commercial "SMA 2014" Ben&Julia Studio has directed and fully post-produced this year' Swiss Music Awards TV commercial and created the visuals for the Online and Print campaign It is the first project shot with our own BMC Camera and graded on Da Vinci at the studio. We especially enjoyed working with Drago Boatic, who composed a lyric and deliciously psychedelic soundtrack. The Commercial Reminds us what used to be on TV in the early 80's on French channel "Antenne 2" Film direction & Art direction: Ben&Julia Client: Swiss Music Awards Agency: Rod Kommunikation Film production: Stink Producer: Tim Augustin Consulting: Yves Rückert / Doro Beck Creative: Sarah Hauenstein Music & Sound design: Drago Boatic Design & Post Production: Ben&Julia Studio Nails & Make up: Fingerbangberlin.com / Larissa Bechtold Nail Artist: Tanya De Souza-Meally Assistant AD: Jonathan Beutel DIT/ Focus Puller: Andrea Pek Gaffer: Brian Apteiker Helping hand / Trainee Stink: Laure Gaillard